Framgångsrika Valutahandlare Uk Basket

Vad Forex Trading och Basket har gemensamt. Med Hillel Fuld Valutamarknaden är en mycket lukrativ En möjligheterna till personligt vinst är bokstavligen oändligt En näringsidkare kan tjäna mer pengar för att handla Forex då de kommer att veta vad man ska göra med. Men flipen sidan är också sant, med lite fångst. Precis som du kan göra oändliga valutahandelsvalutor finns risken för förödande förlust också där, men tyvärr, till skillnad från vinster, har förluster ett kup och det kallas ett marginalsamtal. I grund och botten har du en viss summa av kapital som ska spenderas och när ditt konto når en fördefinierad röd linje kommer din mäklare att stänga kontot. Medan dina vinster kan gå på för evigt, kan dina förluster inte. Det är varje trafförs ambition att maximera sina mål och minimera sina förluster, men Jag är ganska säker på att jag inte behöver berätta för dig att tanken på den enorma vinstpotentialen kan få handlare alltför upphetsade och ambitiösa, vilket kan leda dem på misslyckans väg och slutligen sluta med e oundviklig marginal call. There finns hundratals om inte tusentals artiklar online guiding handlare om hur man undviker Forex misslyckanden Denna lista inkluderar att välja en bra Forex mäklare med hjälp av en effektiv strategi, implementera stoppförluster och ta vinster och mycket mer. Så vad gör Forex handel och basket har gemensamt Svaret är tålamod Om du någonsin har spelat eller tittat på ett basketspel vet du förmodligen att det finns två typer av spelare. Den första, som i allmänhet är mindre framgångsrik, gillar att tvinga skott. Den här typen av spelare kommer att få bollen, ignorera antalet försvarare och skjut bollen, bara för skottens skull. Nu tycker den här spelaren att de har någon chans att göra poäng, annars skulle de inte ha skott, men tog de Dags att se om fotografering vid det ögonblicket var riktigt deras bästa alternativ. Nej, då spelar spelaren tanken om lagets strategi och vad som är bäst för hela laget, eller tänkte de på egen statistik för tillfället th öga tog sitt skott Om till exempel den spelaren skulle ha sett att han har två försvarare på dem vid det ögonblicket, sätter en och en tillsammans och insåg att de innebär att de har en lagkamrat som inte har några försvarare och sedan passerade bollen chansen är att resultaten skulle ha varit annorlunda. Vad de i stället ignorerade den öppna lagkamraten tog skottet och nio av tio gånger, missade. Vad har detta att göra med hur du handlar Forex, du frågar allt. När du handlar ditt konto måste du ta hänsyn till den stora bilden Tänk på din strategi och implementera den till perfektion FÖRSÖK HANDLING Liksom i spelet kommer det alltid att finnas ett annat skott, så kommer du alltid Var en annan handel Det bästa handelsalternativet är ganska ofta inte att handla Steg tillbaka och vänta, vänta på nästa handel att komma runt Gör en plan och håll fast vid den. Om du tvingar dina affärer, nio av tio gånger, kommer det att leda till förluster Men som i basket, saknas Ett skott eller att förlora en handel är inte den värsta delen Den värsta delen är den typ av spelarhandlare du blir Om du tvingar ett skott i spelet är det inte världens ände, men när du saknar det skottet och tvingar Nästa skott är chansen att din tränare kommer att ta dig ut i bästa fall och i värsta fall kommer du att förlora spelet för ditt lag. Jag går för Forex Du tvingar en handel och förlorar Du tror att du kommer att sluta efter en Vad kommer slutar hända är att du kommer att försöka täcka dina förluster genom att tvinga en annan handel, men den här gången är trycket ännu högre än din första handel, eftersom du redan är i förluster. Om du fortsätter ner den här vägen kommer det inte vara länge innan du tas ut ur spelet I basket och i din Forex trading väntar du på rätt tid att göra ditt drag, gör det med högsta grad av självförtroende Låt inte trycket komma till dig, det kommer alltid att finnas ett annat skott till ta, bara se till att hålla skottklockan i åtanke. Lyckligt för Forex-handlare, där jag s ingen tidsbegränsning för din handel Du får oändlig tid Se till att använda den. Risk ansvarsfriskrivning DailyForex ansvarar inte för förlust eller skada som uppstår till följd av beroende av informationen på denna webbplats, inklusive marknadsnyheter, analyser, handelssignaler och Forex broker recensioner Uppgifterna på denna webbplats är inte nödvändigtvis realtid eller exakt, och analyser är författarens åsikter och representerar inte rekommendationerna från DailyForex eller dess anställda. Valutahandel på marginal innebär hög risk och är inte lämplig för alla investerare Som en levererad produkt kan förluster överstiga inledande insättningar och kapital är i riskfyllnad Innan du beslutar att handla Forex eller något annat finansiellt instrument ska du noggrant överväga dina investeringsmål, erfarenhetsnivå och risk aptit. Vi arbetar hårt för att erbjuda dig värdefullt Information om alla de mäklare som vi granskar För att kunna erbjuda dig denna kostnadsfria tjänst mottar vi reklamavgifter från br okej, inklusive några av de som listas i vår ranking och på denna sida Samtidigt som vi gör vårt yttersta för att säkerställa att alla våra data är uppdaterade uppmuntrar vi dig att verifiera vår information med mäklaren direkt. Risk ansvarsfriskrivning DailyForex kommer inte att vara ansvarig för eventuella förluster eller skador som beror på informationen på denna webbplats, inklusive marknadsnyheter, analyser, handelssignaler och Forex brokerrecensioner. Uppgifterna på denna webbplats är inte nödvändigtvis realtid eller exakta, och analyser är yttrandena från Författaren och representerar inte rekommendationerna från DailyForex eller dess anställda Valutahandling på marginal innebär hög risk och är inte lämplig för alla investerare. Eftersom en levererad produkt förluster kan överstiga inledande insättningar och kapital är i fara. Innan beslut fattas om handel med Forex eller Något annat finansiellt instrument bör du noggrant överväga dina investeringsmål, erfarenhetsnivå och risk aptit Vi arbetar hårt för att ge dig värdefull information Mation om alla de mäklare som vi granskar För att kunna erbjuda dig denna kostnadsfria tjänst mottar vi reklamavgifter från mäklare, inklusive några av dem som listas i vår ranking och på denna sida. Vi gör vårt yttersta för att säkerställa att all data är uppe Vi uppmanar dig att verifiera vår information direkt till mäklaren. DailyForex All Rights Reserved 2006-2017.What s Day Trading Success Rate Det Grundliga Svaret. Considering dag handel, och undrar vad dagens handel framgångsfall är Här är det grundliga svaret Inte generell eller konstruerad statistik, utan snarare framgång och misslyckande Jag bevittnade mig när jag arbetade på ett handelsdagföretag från 2005 till 2010 Jag har också samtalat med flera andra handelsföretagsägare chefer på deras framgångsgrader mellan 2005 och 2015 om 2000 näringsidkare totalt antal varierade något, men var i linje med dagens trading framgångsatser jag diskutera nedan. Medan artikeln fokuserar på daghandel, för att jag har mest information om det, antar jag att samma statistik ungefär gäller för swinghandlare eller någon kortvarig spekulativ handelssträvan. När jag diskuterar. Av alla handlare som passerade Intervjun processen för företaget och började träna handel, hur många blev lönsamma. Om de blir lönsamma, hur många är konsekvent lönsamma nog att göra en inkomst. oblems med mina siffror, faktorer vi måste överväga och några ändringar som kan vara mer precisa. Hur en mentor kan öka eller inte öka oddsen för framgång. Finns det en skillnad i framgångsgraden för män och kvinna OH YES. Is time a faktor Av de som var olönsamma under sitt första hela år hur många som behöll på att träna i mer än ett år blev slutligen framgångsrika. Varför tror jag att dessa siffror är tillämpliga på alla som vill börja handla hemma, med en mentor, eller för en firma. Det här är en lång artikel men jag föreslår att du läser allt. Det faktiska misslyckadesatsen är inte riktigt vad som är viktigt. Vad du behöver veta är hur man ska vara en del av de framgångsrika handlarna och undvika att vara i den framgångsrika kategorin How för att göra detta är sammanflätade i hela artikeln. Analysera dagens Trading Success Rate Den Dag Trading Revolving Door. While någon kan vara framgångsrik, de flesta människor som går in i handelsvärlden har inte disciplin och tålamod att utöva en strategi eller uppsättning s Trategies tills dessa strategier ger konsekvent vinst Medan människor får veta att de inte lyckades över natten, tror de flesta nya handlare inte att de har en idé i huvudet att de blir smartare, har det tränat och kommer att kunna göra pengar ganska snabbt Nope Du kan göra standarden 10 per år eller så men det är ganska svårt att leva på 30 000 konton gör 10 per år Vi förväntar oss mer att se hur mycket en dagförare kan göra men läsa den senare. Du kan ha hört 90 eller 95 av affärer förlorar pengar se Varför näringsidkaren förlorar och varför marknaden kräver det eller någon annan till synes hög statistik Från vad jag personligen sett är detta korrekt medan jag handlade för ett handelsföretag med dag, kom omkring 10 personer i någonsin par månader för traderutbildning eller cirka 60 per år För en femårsperiod innebär det att cirka 300 personer kom till handelsföretaget och tog eller åtminstone startade träningsprogrammet. Några handlare jag pratade med tycker att det faktiska numret är högre som är närmare 40 0 personer. Bara 14 kvinnor och män, inklusive mig själv, fortsatte att bli vanliga handlare och producerade konsekvent vinst i minst flera år. Det handlar om en framgångsrik 3 5 till 4 5 Cirka ytterligare 10 tjänade pengar, men inte tillräckligt för att hålla dem handel Om framgång definieras som bara försumbar lönsamhet i minst ett par månader är framgångsgraden ca 6 till 8 Men vem vill handla för att bara bryta sig. Också anser att börsdagens handelsföretag i Kanada inte nödvändigtvis kräver en insättning från handlare Ingen av dessa handlare ställde upp sina egna pengar för att handla. De kunde handel med fast kapital. Mer fast kapital skulle fördelas till varje näringsidkare baserat på prestation. Det här är en mycket fördelaktigare modell än vad de flesta dagarna handlar hemma, handlar egna Pengar som vanligtvis sträcker sig från 2000 till 30 000, men om handelstransaktioner eller valutakurser kan 10 000 producera en bra månadsinkomst men du behöver mer idag handel med aktier Med andra ord var förhållandena väldigt gynnsamma åh, och för att vi hade mer kapital, handlade vi större positioner, vilket gav avsevärt lägre provisioner jämfört med vad en normal aktiehandelare skulle möta. Det var verkligen bra och ändå var bara 3 5 till 4 5 framgångsrika. Vem gör den här staten inte verkligen ansöka om dig eftersom de flesta av dessa dag handlare var manliga och denna stat gäller för alla människor som kom handel Dagens framgång framgångsrikt för kvinnor specifikt diskuteras i en bit. Dagens framgång för handeln bara 4 5 saker att tänka på. Vi behöver Överväga vissa saker när man tittar på en 3 5 till 4 5 framgångshastighet, men Day trading var inte något företaget ville att du skulle göra deltid, så du var tvungen att dyka upp och handla under marknadstiden. Många dagshandlare som bara ville handla på deltid Kan ha tagit träningen sedan lämnade dessa bidrar till den stora 95 5 felprocenten som vissa kan ha gått på för att lyckas Även en näringsidkare som lämnade och fortsatte att bli framgångsrik vid dagens handel skulle öka framgångsprocenten Det är troligt att några av dessa på kom till företaget och vänster fortsatte att bli framgångsrika daghandlare, så vi måste anta att den faktiska framgångsgraden är något högre. Också, jag bor i en stad med massor av hög betalande oljelediga jobb, så handel för ingen lön tills lönsam sannolikt inte sitter bra med vissa människor Vissa människor lurade bort av andra jobb kunde ha varit framgångsrika om de stannade Därför har vi några blinda fläckar i min statistik För de som är villiga att ge det en tappert ansträngning kan vi dock uppskatta chansen att lyckas konsekvent lönsamhet ligger mellan ungefär 4 och 5. Företaget gav inte mycket strategisk vägledning. De lämnade upp det för näringsidkaren att bestämma hur de skulle handla. Träning var mestadels ordertyper, marknadsunderlag och programvaru relaterade därför träningen Skulle likna vad de flesta skulle få från en hög nivå introduktion till aktiemarknaden valutakurser kursen Därför tror jag att den 4 till 5 dagars handelssuccesen är representativ för alla handlare som försöker handla utan mento R diskuteras nästa. Oavsett anledning var det väldigt få personer som ville handla, faktiskt bli framgångsrika. Oavsett om de tog andra jobb, tyckte de inte att de fick tillräcklig träning eller bara gjorde inte tillräckligt med pengar, det var inte riktigt poängen. De kom till handel, men slutligen lämnade ingenting i sina fickor medan människor som satt bredvid dem fortsatte tjäna pengar. För mig är det den verkliga statistiken Oavsett om du är lurad bort, övertygar din make att du inte gör det, det går inte så fort som du vill , du slår en sträng olycka ursäkta spelar ingen roll det kalla hårda numret är att endast ca 4 5 halvvägs punkten 4 och 5 avslutas ovan av handlare som börjar dag handel kommer att hamna kunna göra något av det. Om du lägger lite tid, övning eller kapital i din handel är din framgångsgrad nära 0 4 5-staten är för personer som ger det en tappert ansträngning, lägger i tid och övning och börjar med en rimlig mängd kapital allt som företaget krävde gav. Dag T Succesfrekvens med en mentor. Med en mentor ökar framgången, men det är slutligen beroende av individens körning att bli framgångsrik och att sätta in det arbete som krävs. Med en bra mentor här är jag som jag rekommenderar, uppskattar jag Framgångsrik kurs kan krypa upp till 8 till 10 men jag har faktiskt inte tillräckligt med data för att säga definitivt 8 till 10 kan tyckas låga för att någon har mentor dig, men tänk på det på så sätt som mentorn har fördubblats, dina chanser att lyckas över att gå på det är ensamt Var försiktig med hur statistiken används Någon som försöker begära att du kan säga att vi kan öka din chans att lyckas med 167 låter imponerande, men du hade ursprungligen en 4 chans till framgång, du har nu en 10 68 chans du mycket mer information än försäljningsresultatet. Jag är fortfarande leery om upp till 10 framgångsrika sats med en mentor men Medan potentiella dagshandlare inte fick mycket strategisk vägledning vid företaget hade de nya handlarna full tillgång till s det och handlar bredvid framgångsrika handlare Traders på företaget skulle hjälpa till nya handlare som mentor dem, men du kan berätta för någon vad du ska göra, men du kan inte tvinga dem att göra det. Då är det inte bara en bra mentor att vara en framgångsrik näringsidkare Några av mina största handelslärdomar har kommit från icke-näringsidkare, de var bara bra lärare och förstod vad jag behövde. Förmodligen behöver du inte strategiledning, vare sig jag har utvecklat mina egna strategier, och ofta inmatat från andra har faktiskt hindrat det objektiv personlig strategiutveckling En del vägledning är bra, men eftersom du i slutändan måste handla på egen hand, kan någon annars inte handla för dig, och börjar med ett hand-hand-handels-tillvägagångssätt, det är inte dåligt. med en bra mentor kryper dagens framgångsperiod upp till en sannolik 9 halvvägs mellan de 8 och 10 som diskuteras ovan. Nu är några mentorer bättre än andra. Vissa kan erbjuda absolut ingen fördel och du har samma 4 chans att lyckas som varje en annan Övriga mentorer kan vara väldigt bra och driva din möjliga framgångsgrad upp 25. Men inte alla kan landa en bra mentor, så den genomsnittliga framgången med en mentor är fortfarande ca 9 för dem som ger det lite insats. Mentorn kan inte hjälpa till du om du inte hjälper dig själv. Jag har en sak som jag definitivt kan säga, det är att kvinnor gör mycket bättre handlare än män. De kvinnor som handlade på företaget gjorde inte så mycket som de bästa mänshandlarena, men totalt sett var kvinnorna konsekventa och hade en svimlande 40 framgångsgrad. Bara 10 kvinnor kom för att handla mindre provstorlek medan jag var på firman. Fyra kunde leva utanför marknaderna. Den höga framgångsgraden för kvinnor Faktiskt körde den övergripande framgångshastigheten som diskuterats ovan Om vi ​​bara tittar på män faller den framgångsrika kursen till 3 4 Så vi har en 3 4 framgångsgrad för män 10 av 290 eftersom 290 av de 300 totala handlarna var män och en 40 framgångsgraden för kvinnor 4 av 10 Så den övergripande su ccess rate är fortfarande användbar för män fortfarande i 4 5-serien men inte lika användbar för en kvinna eftersom en kvinnas framgångsgrad sannolikt kommer att vara högre än den totala dagens handelssatsfrekvens indikerar. Jag verifierade denna statistik med flera aktuella eller tidigare handelsföretag chefer deras statistik var mycket nära de ovan nämnda, skapa en större och livskraftig kvinnohandlare provstorlek. Som sagt, eftersom provstorleken fortfarande är mindre utsatt för större variation kommer jag att hålla 40 statistiken och säga det med en solid mentor är det ganska sannolikt att 4 av 10 kvinnor som vill ha dagshandel, och ge det ett bra skott, skulle kunna lyckas med det. I en kvinnlig dominansindustri ville de kvinnor som kom till handel vanligtvis verkligen vilja göra det, och var seriösa om det Många av männen som försöker dagshandel gör det med en jag kommer att ge det en skötinriktning Inte en bra start Var seriös och engagera dig i processen precis som om du började en tegelsten du vill ha bra odds för daghandel succé Ess. Kvinnor verkar helt enkelt inte ha de mentala blocken och egobarna som män har några att göra. De kan lätt lära av sina misstag. En man kommer att upprepa samma misstag om och om igen, oförmögen att erkänna sig själv, han har fel På grund av hans ego Kvinnor lyssnar också på dem som de anser vara experter men anser sig vara experter på allt redan, så medan de kanske lyssnar på vad en riktig expert säger, gör de vanligtvis inte det som lärs mest, inte alla män. mäklare skulle gärna rekommenderas att mer aktivt rekrytera kvinnliga handlare. De är ganska snygga, luktar snyggare, och för en viss underlig anledning tenderar mänens prestanda och beteende att förbättras när det finns några damer på handelsgolvet. Dagens framgång för handel är tid en faktor. Mycket Få personer som var olönsamma under flera månader fortsatte att handla. För de flesta av dem som blev framgångsrika tycktes ungefär 6 månaders ungefärliga heltids timmar ca 800 timmar vara det magiska numret där de flippe d omkopplaren och började tjäna pengar Om en näringsidkare fortsatte att lägga in mycket timmar efter 6 månader, men var fortfarande misslyckad, hur var de äntligen rättvisa. Bara 7 handlare som misslyckades inom det första året fortsatte att handla bortom 12 Månad mark 1 av dessa 7 blev slutligen konsekvent lönsamma Bestämning förbättrar odds, i det här fallet upp till cirka 14 diskussioner med andra företagsledare avslöjar statistik mellan 10 och 20 samplingsstorlekar är små eftersom väldigt få personer sätter in de timmar som krävs för mer än en år. Tyvärr är tiden inte samma som övningen. De flesta av dessa handlare fortsatte helt enkelt att göra samma misstag om och om igen, utan att lära sig av sina misstag. Efter den modellen kunde de ha handlat i 10 år och saker skulle inte Förbättra Några människor lär sig av sina misstag, det kan bara ta dem ett år eller mer för att räkna ut det. Om du inte ser den första framgången, behåll den i mer än ett år, och din framgång är lika med vad du förväntar dig att arbeta med en mentor bör jag notera, den enda framgångsrika näringsidkaren av den här sju, handlas framgångsrikt i något mer än 2 år innan det blir konsekvent och sizably lönsamt. Oddsen för dagens handelssucces Vad det tar. Vill du vara i 4 5 av dagens handel framgångshistorier Här är smaken av vad som krävs. Alla dessa som misslyckades, och som lyckades, sätter i 6 till 7 timmar per dag av träning och lärande. Så du måste definitivt lägga in tid och öva om du vill bli framgångsrik Som vi kommer att lära senare, är det upp till dig att öva på rätt sätt att du kan berätta för någon vad som ska göra, som företaget gjorde, men om de inte är villiga att göra det, ingen övning kommer att förbättra sin skicklighet Jag ser ständigt på golfbanan Killar har spelat i trettio år mycket träning på banan och på intervallet men ändå är det inte bättre än den dag de började och de tikar om det. Övning gör det inte perfekt Istället är det perfekt öva o Några leder till förbättring Dessa killar är inte på rätt sätt, och de flesta vill-vara-dag-handlare är heller inte. Det är bara senare ofta ett år eller mer när handel blir en riktigt deltidsgig Du Får bara handla i 1 till 3 timmar om dagen om dagen handlar eftersom det är den bästa dagen för handelstimmar eller 20 minuter om swinghandeln eftersom du kan lämna när dina beställningar är inställda, men när du börjar börjar det så mycket att lära och öva att lägga in ytterligare ett par timmar att gå över branschen och raffinering krävs. Eller om du bara lägger 1 till 3 timmar om dagen under veckan, så kommer du troligen att behöva lägga in några timmar på helgen också. Det är vad detta ny dag näringsidkare gjorde i flera månader och visar löften efter flera veckor av live handel Du måste sätta i arbetet om du förväntar dig att det ska betala. Som diskuteras ovan kommer många människor män att handla med en jag kommer att ge det ett skott attityd Detta leder mycket sannolikt till att du förlorar allt kapital du har sätter in på ditt mäklarkonto Oddsen för dagens handelssucces är starkt mot dig Trollet att tjäna pengar varje dag på bara ett par timmar får människors sinnen att spinna med möjligheter De tänker stoppa allt och bara handla på en strand någonstans Tja, sand, vatten , solbländning och bärbara datorer inte blanda Trading är ett jobb Skillnaden är att du inte får en lönecheck om du inte är helt överst på ditt spel Daghandel är ofta tråkig, vilket överraskar många människor Utan den nödvändiga stimulansen från marknaden, de skapar egna, gör affärer som ligger utanför vad som praktiserades. Andra dagar kan en timme eller två av handel lämna dig mentalt och fysiskt utmattad. Det finns så mycket information att bearbeta på så kort tid och du behöver håll dig helt fokuserad under sådana förhållanden som ett misstag skulle kunna kosta dig dyrt. Dagens handel är inte en promenad i parkens saga. Det är allvarligt affärer, och de människor som gör det för att leva, don tf ck runt Day trad ng är en negativ summa spel noll summa om du inte t-provisioner men provisioner och kostnader existerar, vilket gör det till ett negativt summa spel Om du handlar måste dina vinster komma från någon annan som förlorar eller ger vinst. Framgångsrika handlare har gjort det här Länge och har torkat ut många små och nya handlare. Tränade vid att ta pengar, proffsen kommer efter dina beställningar om han tycker att han kom med vinst av det. Var beredd. Vet hur du hanterar varje enskild situation som kan uppstå, Och har en plan för det. Utan denna typ av förberedelse är du en sittande anka och kommer att ansluta till ungefär 96 misslyckade män och cirka 60 misslyckade kvinnodagshandlare. Den typ av planering som krävs för dagshandel är vad jag kallar handel bortom den högra högra kanten Detta koncept beskrivs i den här artikeln. Hur man handlar Forex marknaden på timmar eller mindre en dag Medan den använder exempel från valutamarknaden gäller begreppen även för daghandel aktier eller futures. Strategier är Viktigt att, men det är att lära sig hur och när de ska genomföras. För mer om strategier och tolkning av förändrade marknadsförhållanden, se min Forex Strategies Guide för Day and Swing Traders eBook. Dagshandel Success Rate Final Word. De övergripande siffrorna visar att om du är man har ungefär en chans att lyckas och med en solid mentor eller sätter i minst ett år med nästan heltidsansträngning att medelvärdet kan driva upp till 10. Som diskuteras men de flesta män kommer med fel inställning är de Spelar med sin tid och pengar, inte egentligen begår sig till processen och hoppas att de kommer att träffa den stora snabbt, inte troligt Om du seriöst handlar om handel och åtar sig sex månader till ett år att verkligen utvärdera din prestation och öva tror jag på dina odds Av framgång är höga Dagens framgångssats är låg eftersom de flesta enkelt inte ger sig tillräckligt med tid att lära sig, eller de fortsätter att upprepa samma misstag ofta på något annorlunda sätt för alltid och aldrig im bevisa. Enligt min erfarenhet och uppfattning har kvinnor en mycket högre chans att bli framgångsrika näringsidkare än män. På grundval av personlig erfarenhet och diskussioner med andra handelsföretagsledare kan 40 kvinnor sannolikt bli framgångsrika näringsidkare om de är seriösa, bestämda och villing att Sätta i tiden och öva. De här statistiken är perfekta, absolut inte De är medelvärden och kan inte användas för att se om en viss individ kommer att bli en framgångsrik näringsidkare. I samtal med andra framgångsrika näringsidkare tyckte de flesta att mina nummer var höga eftersom de vet Hur svårt det är att hitta konsistens och behålla det Men det finns framgångsrika näringsidkare som uppenbarligen har överbryggat oddsen Bliv disciplinerade, fokuserade och ha tålamod på din resa och din chans att lyckas är mycket högre, precis som i något fält Som sagt, inte Alla som praktiserar riktigt hårt på basket får spela i NBA Det fina med handel är att du bestämmer hur mycket du är bekväm med att göra medan det finns killar gör miljontals om året, om du kan göra ett bekvämt boende, gör vad du älskar, det är det som betyder mest. De bästa önskemålen på din resa. Över 300 sidor av Forex-grunderna och 20 Forex-strategier för att tjäna pengar i 24-timmar-a - dag Forex marknaden Detta är inte bara en eBook, det är såklart att bygga din handel färdighet steg för steg. Företaget jag arbetade för har köpts sålt och bytt namn några gånger Alla företag från vilka dessa statistik härleddes kommer att förbli anonyma. Hur man gör och förlorar 2.000.000 Day Trading Systemet Story. Ive försökt och misslyckades med att skriva denna artikel tio Tider. Ännu när jag var klar trodde jag att det var hemskt faktiskt jag var bara rädd för att dela berättelsen jag skickade den till en läsare som hade frågat mig om handel. Han svarade. Det är annorlunda än det jag har läst eftersom det inte finns några bullshit För att försöka titta förbi och alla dina läsare uppskattar det. Tack Garrett, här går ingenting. En typ av introduktion till dagens handel. Det här handlar om de lärdomar jag lärde mig när jag handlade. De fallgropar som människor faller in och hur människor förstör sig. också den tid jag tog upp pengar till en hedgefonds Så blev min partner 30 000 till 2.000.000 på tre månader. Det tog bara honom två månader att göra 2.000.000 till nästan noll. Vi kommer in i detaljerna senare. Jag menar näringsidkare som i dagförare Från tid Jag var 15-22 Jag satt framför 6 datorskärmar titta på diagrammen gå upp och ner Varför gör jag det inte nu Jag gjorde inte tjäna miljarder dollar innan du slår 22.Trader är unika eftersom de kanske är den enda gruppen människor mer vanföreställande än entreprenörer. Jag säger detta kärleksfullt. Enligt mina beräkningar finns det ingen anledning att jag inte kunde ha gjort en miljard dollar daghandel. Aldrig tänka på att 99 9 av handlare är förlorare Glöm det faktum att 80 av handlare är deprimerade i medelålders män går igenom krisen i mitt liv, jag såg en i det lokala biblioteket igår, han såg ut som att han undvikde sin fru, jag såg en annan idag på Starbucks, han köpte inte en drink och han luktade roligt. Jag var undantaget jag gick för att få min miljarder dollar betalningsdag före min 30-årsdag. Och jag var faktiskt undantaget jag gjorde en fin bit av pengar innan jag slutade behandla saken med respekt, inte något get-rich scheme. Det bryter mitt hjärta när jag ser folk berätta för dem att de handlar och se dem som följer e bullshit nyhetsbrev eller en tränare med en fudged track record När jag ser någon tittar på en annan Forex-algoritm försäljning pitch eller drooling över några Penny-lager rapport jag vill bara skaka dem och säga att du har potential Sluta låta dig bli lurad Sluta scamming yourself. If du handlar utan rätt förberedelse du är bättre i Vegas Det här är inte en överdrift Det finns inte bara gratis drycker, sexiga damer som söker kul och ett obscen urval av Cirque du Soleil visar dina odds på nästan alla kasinotabeller är bättre än marknaderna menar jag bokstavligen som bokstavligt definierad av en ordbok, du är garanterad att förlora pengar under en anständig tidsperiod, såvida du inte lär dig att handla bra. Och sedan ens när du är redo och du känner att du vet allt som finns att veta Om marknaderna är du fortfarande inte garanterad att vinna Det är bara djurets natur. Därför började jag meditera vid 16 Trading är intensiv På college skulle jag göra 5000 i mitten av cl rumpa och sedan förlora 10 000 några timmar senare när du tittar på en film. Det här saken ger dig ett annat perspektiv på pengar. En sista sak innan vi kommer in i köttet i posten. Som Garrett sa är det förmodligen annorlunda än någonting annat du Jag har läst om handel Varför vill jag inte sälja dig något jag inte ger en skit om du handlar eller inte. Egentligen skulle jag nästan hellre du inte handla de flesta människor skulle vara bättre att spendera sitt liv gör andra saker. Jag m inte för närvarande handel Jag har dubbelt kontrollerat mina metoder och de arbetar fortfarande, så informationen är aktuell, jag m inte bara spenderar mitt liv med det. Fokuset är inte på metoden även om jag ger dig alla smutsiga detaljer Du måste vara flytande som en näringsidkare De bästa hedgefonderna i världen anlitar matematiker, fysiker, meteorologer, de ständigt skiftar algoritmer. Hur tävlar du med dessa människor Du don t Det kommer att ge bättre mening senare. Jag har ingen roll i dig som lyssnar på jag för verkligt ingenting är till salu jag Jag kommer inte att lära dig att handla Människor som lär människor hur man handlar eller kör nyhetsbrev som ger tradingidéer tjäna mer pengar genom att sälja sina idéer än att använda sina idéer. De har alla sina egna historier om varför de är så generösa med sin hemliga kunskap men det är okej, inte att all den här informationen är dålig, det är bara att du måste vara försiktig, inte följa någon blint Vänta, så vad är mina incitament för att skriva detta jag vill bara att du gillar mig Jag vill att du gillar mig och det här artikel så mycket att du prenumererar på vårt nyhetsbrev och jag kan skriva mer saker också jag har tänkt på att skriva detta för långt för länge och jag var tvungen att göra det. jag försöker inte övertyga dig om att världen slutar. okej okej det s tid för kött och potatis. Mjölk och potatis Ha Du ska äta flytande guld med informationen jag ska ge dig Ja, du kan också vara en Rich Kid of Instagram. Bara skojar, du har nog inte vunnit någonting med det Och det är nog en bra sak. Någon gjorde 2000 ,000 with this information though For real, I watched it happen. Before we get to that story, we re going to go through some of the major pitfalls new and experienced traders fall into. Note I ve provided the meanings of some words but I m going to leave the glossary work to you, Google, and other places on the Internet that like defining words more than I do. What Not To Do. Why start with what not to do Because not smoking cigarettes is more healthy than eating all organic Because if you lose all your money then trading becomes kind of impossible, doesn t it. You can do a lot by avoiding bad as opposed to seeking good Paul Graham, founder of Y-Combinator. DO NOT Use Real Money Before You Know What The Hell You re Doing. Warren Buffett s 1 rule in investing is to keep your capital He says that his regrets have mostly been acts of omission instead of commission That is because he doesn t throw money at something that he doesn t think will work and so he misses out on making money on tech bubbles but doesn t lose his ass when they bust Honestly, Warren Buffett isn t a trader he plays the long term and hasn t done anything but acquire massive companies or huge pieces of them for decades he is one of the world s best money-getters but not someone who will give you anything useful in trading. What does this mean for you Paper trade before you put any of your capital on the line Paper trading is when you make trades with a fake account There are tons of platforms you can use for this, I used TD Ameritrade s Think or Swim. How do you know when to start putting money on the line When a system has proven itself. When has a proven system proven itself For me, a month of profitable trading and a statistically significant number of trades. This infers the next DO NOT. DO NOT Day Trade Without A System Method. If you re trading willy-nilly you re going to lose. I don t even know exactly what willy-nilly means, but if you have to ask if your trading would fall under the willy-nilly category, then stop trading right f ing now. You re not George Soros, you don t get to trade on your gut. You don t need an algorithm running on a supercomputer but you do need some sort of system that won t let you be an idiot. You will tell yourself you don t need a defense against being an idiot This is you being delusional Believe me I betrayed myself too many times before committing to my systems You don t win every time if you follow your methods but you do do a hell of a lot better. How Do I Create A System. So what makes a good system We ll get into this more late r when I show you the exact system I used don t skip to it, this post will be useless if you do that For now, this will be helpful when thinking about how to approach your trading. Offense It tells you exactly when and how to enter a trade Maybe it s 3 of the 5 requirements must be met to invest 1 share, if 5 of 5 are met 2 shares This is one line of emotional defense trading will make you think that you can make a million dollars today, this is very exciting, you will want to fudge the rules Warren Buffett only broke his rules when he got bored notice when you re bored If you think you can take advantage of more opportunities in the market then alter your system, test it, and implement it Remember no willy-nilly. Defense It tells you exactly how to exit a trade This means stop losses These are orders that automatically get you out of a trade when the market you re in hits a certain price A common rule is to take 50 of your position your money in the market at a certain profit point, may be 100 maybe 68 2 this is a Fibonacci number that is extremely popular among traders It also defines exactly how much of a loss you are willing to take on a certain trade This must be determined before you enter a trade If you don t put a stop loss in your brain will justify your position over and over to you while your hopeful trade ends up losing you your house and family This is even more important than a strong offense don t go broke. Adding to a position Sometimes you may want to make your position bigger as the market moves in your favor You need to have a set of rules determining how you ll do that. Don t complicate it Every tool seems so powerful, so prophetic Early on I had a habit of adding signals that I would wrap up into my system I theory they should make your trading better Maybe it does for a Harvard physicist, it didn t for me The more complex I made my system the worse I did, over and over I would start simple, screw it up by adding a bunch of things people recommended, then go back to the drawing board The best method I ever used was dead-simple that s the one we ll get to in a little bit. Give yourself a ton of room for failure Eight out of ten trades failed for me That was fine because when I hit a winner it won big But if you re averaging eight out of ten trades failing, then it will be common to fail 20 times in a row I ve gone through streaks of 40 failed trades in a row You ve got to be able to survive those My recommendation would be to risk 1 or less of the money you re willing to lose on each trade That gives you 100 chances for failed trades before you go bust It shouldn t happen Of course, when I was twenty I was risking 10 on some trades if I went bust it wasn t that big of a deal. It has to work Again, test the damn thing If it doesn t make fake money then it certainly won t make real money. There is a time and place for throwing caution to the wind and just going for it Trading is the worst place for that kind of bullshit The adrenaline t hat comes from the potential of losing thousands of dollars in a minute is enough you re mission is to keep a cool head. DO NOT Get Big Fast. If you do this right, you have the potential for making a lot of money faster than any other method out there Excluding entrepreneurs who are insanely talented and simultaneously insanely lucky The potential chances are it won t go that way. Chances are you ll lose money. Or you ll make money, feel like a god, trade like a god, and lose all your money. When you put real money on the line the game completely changes again. You think you ve tested your method You ve gone the first month and everything looks solid Great. Then you put money on the line Shit gets real You can t seem to follow the system like you did in the test month The market seems totally foreign again. You don t believe me, that s fine For you it s different. I don t know how many times I told myself that I m different. It doesn t matter though, you ll feel it the same as I did. To save your self some money though, trust me, start small. DO NOT Trade When You re Emotional. I told you I started meditating at 16 It s not because I was excited about being in the moment or that I was into Eastern philosophy It was because if I didn t I couldn t trade I d mess it up. James Altucher talks about how he created algorithms for each of his methods and then let them trade for him while he was depressed an losing everything I wasn t smart enough for this and my methods inevitably had some level of subjectivity to them and so I manually entered all my trades Entering a trade or putting on a trade or entering a position just means you re buying or selling short into a market. James got to trade emotionally because he wasn t actually trading. If I got emotional then I would get silly. You ve got a system so this shouldn t matter But it so matters. Imagine this You ve just gone long the corn futures market for 2 contracts You re up 5000 on a trade in two hours Awesome, right Hell no. This is what happens in the two sides side 1 and side 2 of your brain.1 I want to take this 5000 off the table now, that s a great win.2 Yeah, but look at this pattern this could be the BIG trade this could be 100,000 if I add contracts.1 Yeah, but it s more important to conserve capital 5,000 is a great win Maybe I could just take half off the table.2 Don t blow it That s 50,000 instead.1 Fuck The system says to sell now.2 Yeah, but the system isn t perfect You made it anyway you can change it You can feel it.1 Yeah But, the system. And then on and on I said imagine but that exact inner-dialogue is something I went through twenty times a day every day for a long time. When did I make the right choice The right choice being following the system, not making money A lot of people make money with a shitty trade and then think they have some special talent of course they go bust within the quarter. I made the right choice when I let reason reign. When did I make the wrong choice. When I was either excited or scared Both fear and greed will destroy you Immediate greed that overtakes your rational decision which has longer term greed in mind. I ve said this earlier, but it s important to repeat. A Some days you will feel like a worthless human being who has done and never will do anything worthwhile You will enter trades you aren t supposed to because you re afraid of missing out You will exit trades before you should because your stomach is weak. B The next day you will make a winning trade and feel like a god You will forget whatever it felt like to lose and you will make trades outside of your method You will enter trades you shouldn t because you have the feeling that you can t do wrong the market may validate you for a couple days and make the problem worse You will stay in trades too long because you know that the market will turn in your favor no way could you be wrong. Your trading decisions need to come from numbers and predetermined rules After years of deliberate practice and succe ss you may actually get an intuitive feel for the market Then begin introducing those feelings into your systems Before then, no way Jos. DO NOT Trade Based on Some Purchased System or Newsletter. Listen, if someone has a really kickass way to make money trading they sell it to a hedge fund or use it themselves They don t sell it to you for five easy payments of 300.That being said, there are some decent newsletters out there The James Dines letter being one of them It may be worth signing up for a couple, but don t rely solely on them Experiment with their information Test their ideas against your method. Do not follow them blindly. Think about the incentives at work there is nothing in your favor. This means, by the way, don t follow the method below without testing it first Just so you know if I were actively trading it right now I probably wouldn t have shared it. DO NOT Get Caught Up In Stories. if you see this image RUN. Your system either works or it doesn t. People will devise elaborate narratives around their ideas they want you to buy into They will spend countless hours telling you about this thing and why it s the next took to make you a millionaire. They will scare you by telling you you re going to miss out on the next big thing They will tell you that you need them. You don t You need a system that works Incorporate their idea into your system if you believe in it, see if it actually works If it doesn t, take it out. DO NOT Trade. This isn t a joke Most people shouldn t trade If you re not willing to give everything to the market then it s not worth messing with Do what Warren Buffett says and put your money in the Vanguard S P 500 index fund and go about your life Or inves t in your own business. Of course, as terrible as trading is, it s also freaking awesome for the right people To this day I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see a price chart I m not joking I feel at home and I see patterns and I get the urge to dive in Maybe I will again Who knows. For real you should only trade if you are extremely drawn to it and if you can behave rationally while remaining delusional. Alright here it is. I was on break before going into my junior year of college I was trading, doing pretty well I was having a particularly good morning when I received a picture message on my phone It was a screenshot of my partner s trading account. A couple weeks prior I received one that said 250,000 He had started with 30,000 only a few weeks before I was freaking amazed. This particular day, though, I didn t believe it was real The image read 2,000,000 and change, whatever That was a holy moly moment, to say the least I stared at it for a long time. I texted back, This isn t real. How di d that happen. How did he turn 30,000 into 2,000,000 in three months. Well, the method below. But also And this is a massively important but. He was more balls to the wall than I d seen anyone ever before Every bit of profit was immediately thrown back into the trade so his position ballooned like crazy I actually used the term stapled to the wall. He was insanely lucky See that lumber futures price chart below You see that massive move down Yeah, he got that at the top and rode it straight to the bottom He had a short position meaning he made money as the price dropped. He does have mental powers. THAT is a move ne. This combination ended up with massive losses in the next couple months He still ended with an awesome five-month return but you were a millionaire for a month and then not well, it hurts. I used this method with my balls about a foot off the wall and made great returns I nearly doubled my personal account in six months and then was able to raise money from investors with that trac k record. Note This method is specifically useful for commodity futures but can be applied more widely with certain modifications. Here is what we looked for.1 Multi-Year High or Low. This method required constant awareness of price movements but not a lot of action With this method you probably won t be making more than two trades a week often you ll make one every other week It s also a bit unique in that we are trying to spot tops and bottoms of markets, something that most people will tell you is suicide like catching a falling knife. I just looked up the Corn Futures price chart at and found it sitting right at a multi-year low. This is a weekly chart each bar represents one week so we can see that we ve missed the bottom last week We can zoom in to see if that would have presented us an opportunity. The first is the simplest, this is the first filter I use to sort through charts is it at multiyear high or low You can see this quickly and skip it if the answer is no If it is then go in for a clo ser look. I will keep tabs on a bunch of charts sitting at these areas while I wait for the other requirements to be filled.2 Hammer, Morning Doji Star, or Abandoned Baby Candlestick. Note I m not going to get too technical here just what you need to have a basic understanding and get started I recommend you read everything at s Stock School if you have any sort of commitment to this Candlesticks are just another way to view pricing information on a chart An empty white bar means that the price closed higher than it begun for the period of time measured by the bar A red is the opposite, the bottom of the red bar is the closing price The skinny area is the full area covered by price movement during the period covered by the bar. The second thing I would look for is a daily Morning Doji Star or Hammer Candlestick. A Hammer Candlestick. A Morning Doji Star. Here is an Abandoned Baby. Keep in mind we want these patterns at a multiyear high or low Preferably with a gap That means, for the corn chart above, we would want the price to open below where it s current. The gap shows one last push up The two candlestick show consolidation of price movements Basically, the price wasn t able to follow through signaling that this movement is out of gas. Now, if you don t see one of these right away, don t discount it totally Check for the third requirement.3 The Producers Are On Your Side. General Mills buys a metric shitton of wheat They move that market big time It would be nice to know what companies like General Mills are doing so we could be on their side, right. Yeah And we can And it s pretty awesome. Now, General Mills and other large producers use futures markets to hedge price fluctuations more often than trading for a profit like us So we don t take them with a grain of salt unless they are making significant movementpanies that trade over a certain amount of contracts are required to report the trades they make These are collected in reports called Commitment of Trader Reports You can get these reports here You can get them in a more useful form a chart here. Let s see an example I just looked up a promising chart of Soy Bean Futures. We can see a great multiye ar low which is more obvious in the weekly chart, note that this is a daily and some consolidation Okay, let s see what the producers are doing this information is available to us in the red line in the mini-chart below the main one. We can see here and on here - just CTRL F soy and you ll see it that producers the RED line are still significantly short soybeans and they aren t in any rush to get long get long means to buy. Because of this I m not going to make a trade but I am going to keep an eye on this over the next few weeks to see if a cleaner setup emerges A setup basically means the boxes for your method are checked off. We want to see the producers make a significant move in the direction of our potential trade Here I would want to see a large movement toward zero. This is a fascinating topic Check out Trade Stocks and Commodities with the Insiders Secrets of the COT Report it s freaking amazing And if the 40 price tag looks too high, seriously reconsider trading as an option.4 Optional For the insane ones Balls-to-the-Wall-Re-Buy. My partner was able to make such insane returns because he caught a great run and leveraged it to the hilt He put on a huge position and then used all the profits from each movement to make his position even bigger That means you ve got to hit a home run. I honestly can t recommend anyone do that This method alone demands more risk than most even though you can use mini contracts to take smaller positions I played more conservatively and did well When I trade again, I ll trade even more conservatively Capital is the first requirement for trading without it you re out of the game. You need to set a stop-loss immediately after entering your position I would give different markets different leeway depending on how widely the y fluctuated normally. Corn might fluctuate 10 points daily on average while Crude Oil might fluctuate 20 I would give Oil more wiggle room not willy-nilly, mind you. The most important thing is that you set a stop loss with a loss that you can manage It doesn t matter how perfect a setup might appear, it could still lose money You need to be prepared to take losers. Ideally your stop loss is below the previous low Sometimes you won t be able to catch it that close, but if you can you re golden You trade seeing more of a movement for taking on less risk.6 Managing the Trade. Let s say we get long Soy Beans We ve got our stop-loss right under the previous low. Version 1 The market moves against us and takes out our stop this means the stop-loss is hit and we are taken out of the trade, we are flat This is the most common scenario. Version 2 This is the more interesting version the market moves in our favor Yeehaw We re not out of the woods yet though. Obviously we would love the market to take off in the direction of our trade and lead us to our fortune If this happens then count your blessings and remember the feeling because it won t come often. Even when we get a winning trade, we have to work with it It will go up a while and then back down, then up and then down. When we talk about managing a trade we are really talking about three things.1 Adding to the position We talked about this a little earlier Essentially you can add to a position that s working to double down Say you get a strong movement in your favor, then it pulls back a bit to consolidate, you can add to your position to double-down on the move. 2 Adjusting our stop-loss This is the one you will use most often as in every winning trade I like to move my stop-loss to my entry price as soon as possible This means that if that market moves against you then you still don t lose any money I will normally wait until there is a new solid level of support created and then move the stop loss up to this new level A support level is a price at which there is resistance to the market moving below This is usually created by a small pullback Continue to adjust your stop losses as the market moves in your favor.3 Reducing our position taking money off the table I alternated between taking 50 of my trade off the table when I had 100 and never reducing a trade unless I got out completely Often taking 50 or 30 at a certain point is a good way to lock in trades, the only problem is that it limits your upsides.4 Exiting At certain reversal patterns I would exit a trade and not wait for it to hit a stop-loss. how we used to trade. Scary simple, righ t There are a few minor things omitted just for the sake of simplicity these items decided most of the decisions. You probably noticed that I didn t give you any examples of perfect patterns if you go back and look at a more magnified version of the lumber one you ll see a perfect setup That s because it takes a massive amount of work to find a great trade I may have to look through 200 more charts before finding a decent setup. If you re really interested in this, go to or download a trading platform, I like thinkTDA and look through every single commodity futures chart you can find Look at a 5 year chart, then if one looks promising look at a 1 year chart, then a 6 month. Keep a list of ones that look promising that you need to keep an eye on Review these every day. Once a week review ALL the commodities again. When you find a good trade, make it on paper Either literally with paper or with your program again thinkTDA is awesome I don t even have an affiliate link for them, they re not sp onsoring this post but now I kind of think they should P. When you start to get good at it, dip a toe in with real money. That s 4 steps and a ton of time. I was going to recommend more books for you to read but I m not If you want them in the comments I ll offer some up but the important thing is for you to actually apply this knowledge first Go and spend an hour looking at charts right now. This post ended up being fairly long but the topic is huge I glossed over a lot of technical stuff on purpose The goal here was to give you an idea of what it is to be a trader and an example of a method to begin using. I m happy to answer any questions you ve got Just put them in the comments below or email me. Thanks man Really glad to hear you dig it. Funny about your purpose for meditating I m hitting up an 8-day meditation retreat this Friday for the same purpose I hope to share some in-depth material on meditation in the weeks to follow about developing a habit of meditation latest research on medi tation, habit formation, yadda yadda. I love the stuff man Best gift I ve been given in life along with a great family and good health. I m excited to hear about your meditation experience I did a 10 day no speaking no reading vipassana retreat outside of Seattle and it was one of the hardest best things I ve ever done. Beautiful That s what I ll be doing this Friday missing 2 days for work I hit it up 1-3 times a year. Definitely one of the hardest best things I ve done too Glad to hear you got a bunch of value from it as well. After I write-up some of the new meditation content, I ll shoot you an email to get your feedback on it See what thoughts you have. Thanks for sharing Any reason you don t trade now. Couple of items to emphasize from your post 1 Stay SMALL I mean REALLY SMALL If you get nervous over the risk, you are trading too big 2 Options are really the way for retail investors Staying small and be a collector of premium imo is the real way to trading success It may feel like a tu rtles game waiting for theta to decay but probabilistic trading is much more suited than watching charts all day. Interesting stuff I never got into options deeply but would definitely consider them. Stay small indeed. It is not exactly true 99 9 percent of traders fail It is actually closer to 80 There is a lot of break even as well How do I know. I am a gambler, who trades basketball Rich No But I have several years of 50 to 2000 I use Betfair out of England. I say gambler, but really I trade I have a very simple system Trading baskets mostly, NBA It usually works, but last year failed I moved to the country side of life, and the Interent kept failing as I traded. In simple terms, it is the life of IBM, all of it, in about 2 5 hours. I just take 4 point leads, set a winning sell point, and sell if they lose the 4 points And yes, it can lose 23 times in a row You can trade anything, I won 300 one night half wasted on Obama to win Not that I am a democrat, it looked like a good trade Plus, I was bored lol. I do like to read about other traders Facinates me Thanks. I take what they know, and see if I can use it. Seriously, I was going to try import export But I am too sick to do it Epileptic A bad one My driving could cause Nascar like accidents. My real goal in the whole sports trading experiment, is to see if one can make a living with it You are correct Bullshit abound. But I did find a few real stories of real people doing it I only want about 50K a year I m happy. My biggest problem, is not the mental parts It is the low liquidity, by times, and a max win I can acheive per day I never add to trades Fails horribly in baskets. I built a baseball model, that allows to me trade, easily No plans to sell it, well not in the way most people would I just want it built for me, by programmers so I can use it They can send me commission money if they want, for people who subscribe to the charts It really is like a stock chart. So when I see things like you post, I am very interested Have you ever considered, the angle of decent Say a 50 day moving average, moving through a 200 hundred day one, at a super fast decline Like 45 instead of 15 over a certain time frame I gotta check that out. And yes, is a great place to learn.-Allan Curious and always learning trader. P S Two things to add Trading is a loney and anti-social way to live Those two things, I am almost sure, are the driving forces of failure or success Be anti-social when you must Don t drink when lonely lol. FOREX is next for me, but real slow. Your PS is solid lol I should have mentioned some of the mental effects of spending 14 hours alone staring at a bunch of screens it s brutal. I m interested in your basketball trading Will plays with this a bit for fun and does well We ve been playing pop a shot like crazy. Thanks a ton for sharing your story. I ve done a bit with moving averages and other indicators they ve done well but I made way more money with other things. FOREX Good luck sir But honestly I think you sh ould consider something a bit cleaner. i m still waiting for those spreadsheets remember those xtz teas from the rock and java days can you imagine forex from big red it s only english that s binary I m 28 years old and I never went to high school but i did learn one thing two cats and a dog death two dogs and a cat death. two cats and a dog death two dogs and a cat death that really the only thing we need to remember. What does that saying mean I googled but found nothing I enjoyed the article by the way, bookmarked it and will re-read it several times when I feel like I m straying from my mental focus during my trades Thanks for sharing. I m not trying to play doctor, but have you ever tried a paleo or ketogenic diet for your epilepsy. That s interesting Stephen, I never knew paleo could help with something like that Is that a grain brain thing. I m from the original import empire startup group and really loved this article This really peaked my interest in the markets again Back when I wa s in college I was able to trade some and payed for my college outright That was one of the best feelings ever. Maybe I ll get back into it now Gotta get to work on importing though. Awesome, read I love the no BS approach to telling it like it is I think it is a fascinating subject with never-ending possibilities and risks Currently, I am in the import empire class and doing some consulting while working full-time By reading this article, I realized that if I want to trading, I pretty much have to put all my efforts and energy into this with no other obligations for awhile So for now, I will leave this as a future project. Thanks again for sharing your story and look forward to reading more posts I think what you guys are doing at Startupbros is amazing The value behind your content is just so much greater than most any other type of entrepreneurial blog books content etc I ve read Self-Made U 3 times now I guess all I m saying is thank you and keep it coming. Thanks a ton for taking the time to comment It s great having you in the importing course it sounds like that s definitely the best way for you to be spending your time resources. That is a HUGE compliment We try hard to give the best content possible It s kind of bizarre selling books I see them sell on Amazon but I rarely get to interact with people who have read it So when you tell me that you ve read it THREE times well, that makes my freaking day. Feel free to drop a line any time See you in the importing group. Kyle, Awesome post Not terribly long ago I looked heavily into what avenues of approach their are to successful active retail trading. I found and quickly ran away from all the newsletters teaching perfect penny stock plays and so on like you warn against It felt impossible to actually find anyone trustworthy yeah, pump and dumps what No thanks LOL. I eventually found the options trading methodology Tom Sosnoff who created sink or swim and sold it to TD teaches at tasty trade He has a site by that name an d a youtube channel His new platform he s created is called dough Dough will show you probability of success, max profit and loss etc on positions before you open them, and it links with your TD account There are training modules all built in, its all free except you can pay for access to see all his actual trades I think, but not necessary. I was going to rehash what I d learned listening to him but I d be at risk of losing something in translation, not actually having implemented it myself I don t feel expert enough, but suffice it to say I think its worth a look if you anyone gets into options ever Those with options experience your thoughts. Anyway, what turned me off for now was the same trading time for money making me cringe idea but if I ever get into trading, that s the methodology I will test with paper money to start, of course. For now, going to keep learning in the importing course Loving what we ve gone through so far Keep up the great work. Great to see you here I never look ed into Tom Sosnoff thanks a ton for telling me about him I m a big fan of thinkorswim so I will most definitely be checking out his other work. A couple of people in the comments mentioned options but I haven t gotten into them myself. The Importing course is a much more solid base I think I m pumped to see what you do with that in the coming months. I ll see you in the group. How much capital did you start out with and how much would you recommend a newbie start with. I started with just about 1k I wasn t trading full commodity futures contracts until I had about 10k in the account even then, the risk per trade vs the account was huge , plenty of people start with just a few hundred though 500 seems to be a good minimum. This doesn t mean that you shouldn t start practicing though You may spend 6 months paper trading before you find something that you can begin making money with, so if you re interested, begin studying now regardless of the amount of money you have to play with. What percen tage of the 10k were you risking per trade. So I stayed between 1-5 risk for most of the time I increased risk slightly as I became more competent I actually traded S P 500 futures before doing commodities in a big way Once I hit that I increased the risk tolerance of my personal account to 10 per trade sometimes even more The trades just worked so often and were somewhat rare that I felt alright with this This was somewhat suggestive Sometimes a trade was just so perfect-I could get in with a tiny risk for the potential reward or the setup was lined up perfectly-that I had to go bigger If I did get punished for a big trade then I would pull back my size by a lot. Also, remember that the 10k was capital I was willing to lose I would have been happy to seed another 10k to go again. Great article Kyle, I believe lots of traders will benefit from the truths you have shared I am also monitoring Commitments of Traders data, and advise everybody to do the same This is not another fancy indicato r that derives itself from price data, but comes from an entirely different source, and lets you peek inside the structure of the market Here are some more stuff on COT analysis if you are interested. By the way the first book I read on COT analysis was the same you recommend, from Larry Williams excellent stuff Another great work is from Steve Briese. Note I am the co-owner of the above site, that we created from our Excel tables that monitored the changes in COT data Once the tables became so big that Excel could barely handle them, we asked a programmer to build an app from it and also open it for everybody on a subscription basis. Hey Balint great to have you swing by I was HUNGRY for your service when I was trading It would have been a HUGE time saver. Warren Buffett s 1 rule in investing is to keep your capital He says that his regrets have mostly been acts of omission instead of commission. Haha I JUST watched a video on Youtube with Buffett Bill Gates where he said this verbatim I a m frequently astounded by the synchronicity in your articles and my own life, Kyle. On a sidenote, I think Buffett and Munger have a ton of useful best practices for personal development. I do love some synchronicity It always feels like there s a group of people following similar threads of ideas thinking action it s interesting to see the variations in them. They do have some great personal development ideas out there I love Munger s idea that you should leverage your own circle of competance instead of tryingt o compete outside of it. What up Kyle long time no see, just read your post it was very interesting do you have any info tips on more of a long term position. I actually do have some ideas for longer positions send me an email over at kyle at startupbros dot com with some details about what you re thinking and let s chat. Good to hear from you. To me this is a lot like playing poker. You can be the best player around, but even then you are only going to win about 65 percent of the tim e. And if you don t play within the limits of your bankroll you can go broke easily. We are talking about binary options now right The ones that will shift any 5 seconds Were not talking about a long time investment where you will buy stocks. Hey Pieter, I m talking about commodity futures here No options But you re right about the time frame, I rarely held a position more than a week with this system, never more than two. Absolutely the best write-up about trading I ve ever, ever, ever seen Thank you Kyle and thank you StartupBros. I am tempted to rattle on about my experiences and thoughts possibly to vent and hopefully to help by emphasizing what you said But if your readers really read this manifesto, they can skip reading 99 999 of anything else written on the subject including anything I would say I may be a few 9s short, so please excuse any lack of precision The accuracy is still there. Thank you for the high praise Robert I would love to read about your thoughts and experiences if y ou re willing to write them. So, per your invitation to share my thoughts and experiences, I ve re-read your post YES, it is still the best. At present, I simply don t have the oomph or time to do a thorough post of my own Instead, I m going to just make a few comments They will primarily reference your fine post By the way, the time thing is partly your fault Your piece on Antifragile has me now poking around in Taleb s 300 page Silent Risk Plus, your site has lots of other good stuff. NUMBER 1 People need to re-read your What Not To Do. There are so many things and ways to trade that whenever people would ask me about trading, I would always start with a few don ts and shouldn ts. My main shouldn t was You probably shouldn t trade It was accompanied with a statement about why Your version is DO NOT Trade. After that, if we were still talking, I tell them some things they would need to be able to trade effectively margin account, real time data feed even for chartists , direct execution bro ker, etc AND my one hard rule. The rule is a disguised don t lose all your money. I would say Remember there is always another day if you still have money Base each specific trade, any type of trade, and any system, method or approach you use around this one rule Again, base. Of the two things I feel are a little off about your post it is still the best I ve ever read , not emphasizing capital preservation more heavily is the main one. Of course, one doesn t make fantastic money, 30,000 into 2,000,000 in 3 months, by even having the word preservation in one s vocabulary. One of my best runs after having not traded for over 6 months was to go from 18,500 to 106,000 in exactly 3 months Of course, the first month, I turned the 18,500 into just over 13,000 End of story. But, as you say later in your What Not To Do section, DO NOT Get Caught Up In Stories So, please, please don t get caught up. My second point of mild disagreement, is with DO NOT Use Real Money Before You Know What The Hell You re Doing. Without some Skin In The Game , you don t Really know what your doing. Firstly, you are only going through the motions This practice is important and needs to be done One needs one s mechanics down and a plan to execute. Good mechanics are needed so one can do what one intends and not it up going short instead of long, buying selling too little much, buying selling the wrong things, etc. With a plan, one can take a trip and then evaluate and correct or adapt. BUT, I question how much practice is needed without any real risk Live Action changes the dimensionality of the game. Also, some early light or moderate losses help moderate the impact of stories not ignored, quell mental extrapolations that confuse might be with will be, or more simply dampen greed. NUMBER 2 My last trade was early 2007 Got my ass kicked due to a bad data feed. NUMBER 3 THAT S ALL for now FOLKS. I have been trading binary options for a while now and what i ve learnt, is that its not as easy as it seems It takes wo rk, understanding and time I have the understanding, its just the time I lack to trade for myself. I m a day trader and formerly a market maker of commodity options. Tough business with a lot of hidden risks mainly revolving around technology for me anyways. I have enjoyed the consistency and to use a trading term high sharpe ratio of returns in importing selling online Once the online biz is big enough I ll be happy to take more risk trading and potentially hire on a FT quant to run my book. Anyways, cool article always looking to chat with solo-traders dinosaurs real traders, not e-traders. Anyone know of anyone good tutorials to learn the mechanics of thinkorswim. Thanks for the info I jus started trading and my system works I traded paper money for 3 weeks then implemented my system with real money and it works I jus have to have discipline to get out as soon as I hit my quota for today and not be greedy or try to make more Yea it bothers me sometimes when I see that I could make more bu t I rather follow my system and be safe cause I make money everyday literally. If you re making money every day you re in the top 99 of traders don t get greedy. What was the average amount of time you d hold onto a single position. During the trading I focused on mostly, average was probably 8-10 days if it survived the first day Most behaved badly immediately and so I got out within hours. What do you think of trend following and more specifically Michael Covel and his books. Trend following can work don t know enough about Covel to have an opinion unfortunately. I thoroughly enjoyed your post Trading can be lucrative and it is very exciting By following the industry research and opinion and utilizing sound statistical rechnical analysis it is no surprise you have done well I would like to clarify one salient point regarding Warren Buffet and his thoughts on investing As a professional investor and one follwing his methods I feel wholey qualified to say that while warren advices the uninte lligent investor to invest in index funds he advices the professional investor to arbitrage sure things and purchase great businesses at discounts Personally I have had success using these methods I had an excellent surplus to the market last year and expect to beat it again this year If you really Are good at trading I would suggest reading books by Mary Buffet regarding Warrens methods Be wary of some of the advice regarding stock choices but the math and methods are sound and approachable Please feel free to email me to discuss it more. Awesome write-up good job. keep it up and expect tons of questions from me later on hehehe. very informative Thanks. I m looking forward to them. Hi Kyle, this may be stupid question but, when you say. The second thing I would look for is a daily Morning Doji Star or Hammer Candlestick. Do you mean you want to see these patterns each day, or you want to see these patterns once on the daily graph. Great article Thanks. Just one on the daily graph Glad you re a ctually putting it to use. Wondering what you think of Harvey Walsh s How to Day Trade Stocks for Profit I am interested in day trading and look forward to practicing with paper Thanks for you article. I have never read or heard anything about Walsh s book, wish I could be more helpful. Thank you for the article It was great 1 question for you I find myself second guessing myself when something goes wrong, so I set up stop losses and it seems like 99 of the time It stops me out then goes right up from there lol Any advise on setting up a good stop loss Like is there a range that I should be setting up instead of just setting up what I don t want to lose. If that s happening regularly and doesn t just feel like it is then you probably want to find new way to set your stops Just being looser won t be helpful though And setting it up just for a 1 loss or whatever you re willing to risk isn t great either. This is going to vary on your time-frame and risk tolerance, and contract you re trading Usually I would just put a stop below a previous layer of major support. Great article, Kyle I have been paper trading for a few weeks Thought all was going well so I dipped in this morning I ve been using the, pre-market outbreak on great news Check it ISR. The price jumped to 2 17 at open I paused and was watching on level 2 I ended up getting in at 2 00 The stock was bouncing around from 2 10 to 1 95 I decided to put a stop loss in at 1 92 I had to walk away because of my nerves BAM Came back about 15 minutes later and my position was sold at 1 92 1st trade very disappointing Later in the day I was traveling so I decided to check and see what the price was now hoping it was much lower so I would feel like I made a great decision it is 3 05 I look far into the distance and all I could say was S O B. I sure wished now that I would have known then put in your stop loss at the previous days low. Adding this technique to my trading please work. No need to pray, just test. That s brutal though Let me know how it works for you. Thanks for sharing your story, insights, and method I love reading articles that reinforce positive trading habits Keeps me honest and builds those effective neural pathways. I am mostly a stock trader Have you or anyone you know applied this technique to stocks and, if so, how did it fare. Also, I am deeply into meditation and personal development I even keep a blog devoted to my twin interests in trading and meditation I call it No Trader If you are interested, you can find it here. Thanks again Kyle. I just checked your site out, awesome stuff. The technique isn t quite as effective for stocks because there isn t an equivalent of the COT reports for them. Just skimmed your site, it s cool to see you doing so much right If you end up experimenting with the stuff here let me know how it goes. Great post I sent an email to you Kyle as well Would like to talk more and network I own a successful ad agency and have since I was 27 I am 33 now I live in Tampa, too I have always been interested in trading but never took the time to truly learn the business If you would oblige me, let us chat some You have my email I just submitted and I emailed my phone number as part of that, too. Thank you Kyle for this great blog post It s funny how as I read about what NOT to do that s exactly how I started my trading journey, by doing all the wrong things and lost money doing it Haha It s been just over a year and now I am starting to have consistent profits with losses in there also About 60 success rate Working on discipline, cutting losses short, trading the naked chart so i don t succumb to analysis paralysis, and trying to stay out of the market as much as possible, until a high probable setup appears Thank you again and keep up the great inspiring work. Diana Clement Try your hand at forex trading. It s the world s largest, most liquid, and most influential financial market foreign exchange forex It s a market that virtually everyone who has ever left the country has traded in Increasingly, private investors are using the market to try to make a profit. At a basic level forex trading is quite simple You have a hunch, or even better some research suggesting, say, that the kiwi dollar is going to fall against the US dollar or another currency You buy that other currency and when the kiwi falls, you buy it back again and take a profit along the way. It is, of course, possible to walk down to your nearest bank branch with a wodge of New Zealand dollars in your pocket and trade them in for greenbacks, which you then stuff under your mattress. But increasingly private individuals are treating forex as a commodity that they trade online or through a broker Those who want to make or lose even more money can trade on margin - which means they effectively borrow money and trade that, thus amplifying their gains or losses on their capital. When CMC Markets - a UK company - opened its New Zealand offices it was surprised just how popular foreign excha nge trading was with Kiwis In the UK, says CMC s general manager for New Zealand, Sargon Elias, about 5 per cent of the company s business is in foreign exchange. Here about 35 per cent to 40 per cent of clients want to do forex only. Proponents of forex trading say it s not as risky as some other investments OM Financial s head of derivatives, Kevin O Sullivan, says equities can be more volatile than currencies and cites the tumble that Telecom s share price took when the Government announced the unbundling of the local loop. Sensible forex traders, he says, use systems to stop themselves losing too much such as stop loss orders. People who manage their risk know from the moment they do a trade what their worst case scenario is and they know when they are going to take a loss, says O Sullivan. Related Content. Flight check Auckland to Melbourne on Air New Zealand. Gabriel Makhlouf Diversity key to survival in fast-changing world. Deborah Hart Let arbitrators help smooth path of delicate family disputes. Conversely, many traders get out of a market too soon once they ve made a profit People sold the kiwi at 76c against the US dollar and they brought it back at 69c Three months later it went to 59c To make a success of forex trading you need to follow foreign exchange and economic news very closely indeed Trading platforms often provide free news and economic data updates There are also forex news feeds and data on websites such as. Just how careful you need to be with forex trading was demonstrated over the past week with the kiwi dollar defying gravity and bouncing above 65c to the surprise of many. Investors had been shorting the currency, says Sullivan, betting on it going lower As a result, some people are nursing losses of 5000 to 10,000, and even up to 100,000.Every company is different, but typically you need to stump up about 1 per cent to 3 per cent of the face value of the trade. At OM Financial, for example, minimum trades are 100,000, with the client needing to provide 3 per cent or 3000.Fees also vary, with companies such as CMC Markets taking a small interest charge on outstanding positions each night - roughly 2 per 10,000 position At OM Financial, where clients have access to advice from brokers, fees are 0 05 per cent on transaction - which equates to 50 per 100,000 position or less if you re a large volume trader You also need to look at the spread between buy and sell prices. Before you decide that your crystal ball will tell you where the kiwi is heading in the next week, month or year, and start trading, you might want to try one of the forex trading simulators that can be found o nline. You should also read a good book or two such as FX Trading by Alex Douglas to check that the market is really for you. Another issue to be aware of is that, sadly, forex trading is unregulated in New Zealand, with investor protection pretty thin. Some companies, such as OM Financial and CMC Markets, voluntarily submit themselves to regulation Others may be forced to do the same eventually. That s because the Securities Commission is considering regulating leveraged forex trading as futures trades under the Securities Markets Act, says Meredith Pearson, senior solicitor at the commission. Regulation, should it happen, would mean among other things that client money would need to be segregated from business capital - giving investors greater security. Another down side is that forex trading is an industry that seems to attract cowboys hoping to make a fast buck from unwitting investors. Just last month the Consumers Institute gave a warning that the get-rich-quick season was upon us and to beware of companies offering expensive seminars and trading platforms. It mentioned in particular Icon FX, a company that uses seminars to sell sophisticated online trading software The software costs US 3000 4620 and you ll also pay a commission for every trade and US 118 95 for ongoing data feeds. Tommy Wibisono s foray into forex trading has allowed him to give up his day job in marketing Instead, he trades foreign currencies on margin in his own name using the CMC Markets platform. Wibisono started investing in equities after being invited to a seminar by a friend he was visiting in Sydney A few years and seminars later and he moved on to forex trading and is now making at least 40 per cent return on his capital each year. Wibisono s tips for new investors include.1 Go to seminars and workshops to learn how the market works before committing real money 2 Make sure you understand the risks - which can be great 3 Develop your own strategy 4 Choose a broker with a quality institution, and make sure they provide extensive tools and research 5 Start with small positions until you re successful 7 Be disciplined, avoiding the duel evils of fear and greed. Get the news delivered straight to your inbox. InstaForex - the best broker in Asia. December, 2016 - Miss Insta Asia 2016 Award Ceremony, Kiev. InstaForex is eager to confirm the statement that women and Forex are compatible For several years in a row, the company has been holding the beauty Miss Insta Asia contest among charming female traders from around the world As part of the financial Show FxWorld exposition in Kyiv held on December 17, 2016, InstaForex staged an award ceremony for finalists of the 7th Miss Insta Asia contest Winners in 5 nominations were presented with prize certificates from InstaForex. December, 2016 - InstaForex at ShowFx World exhibition, Kiev. The expo was held in Kiev on December 17-18 This is the time when people sum up results of the outgoing year and make plans for the future This is the bes t time to explore something new or find inspiration for more productive work So, specialists of InstaForex heartily welcomed both beginning traders and loyal clients who live in Ukraine. September, 2016 - ShowFx World Conference, Singapore. It is possible and essential to learn to assess attractiveness of trading instruments InstaForex advises its clients to seize the opportunity and join ShowFx World conference and exhibitions In September 2016 yet another event took place in Singapore. July, 2016 - ShowFx World Conference, Almaty. It s not the first visit of InstaForex representatives to the southern capital of Kazakhstan And the reason lies not only in its stunning views and fresh mountain air but also in a high profile event ta. Geography with InstaForex. The most important success indicator of InstaForex is its customer base consisting of more than 3 000 000 traders in 80 countries. Serghei Simonov, Letonia Trader. Despre compania InstaForex am auzit de la utilizatorii portalului Pentru a afla mai multe despre aceast companie, am hotrt s vizitez saitul brokerului InstaForex Aolo am gsit informaie util despre condiiile de tranzacionare, bonusuri i concursuri ncrederea mea a fost ctigat de faptul c acest broker a fost nfiinat n 2007 dar deja deine multe premii Anume acest lucru m-a fcut s-mi deschid un cont real de tranzacionare la aceast companie Peste o perioad de timp, utiliznd serviciile acestui broker, am observat c serviciile sale i calitatea deservirii clienilor au ntrecut toate ateptrile mele Deaceea tranzacionez cu plcere n continuare cu ei i obin profit i voi face asta i n continuare. Vasiliy Lutzak, Ukraine Trader. I m Vasiliy Lutzak I ve been working as a trader cooperating with InstaForex for over three years In the meantime, InstaForex showed itself to good advantage For example, I really like nice bonuses on trading accounts that the company makes available to its clients Besides, I approve interesting contests I d like to wish InstaForex prosperity and long years of successful performance. Lyudmila Ivanets, Ukraine Trader. It s not the first time I m visiting financial expos and I m not new on Forex I learned stock trading, cooperated with numerous companies, but my choice fell on InstaForex The company offers beneficial terms of trade Now I m actively gaining knowledge about the ForexCopy system, which expands the trading horizons and helps to try out new strategies Thanks a lot for the exhibition and the performances made by the analysts In 2012 I visited similar exposition in Moscow and really enjoyed interesting performances of the analysts from the USA They have also given useful pieces of advice. Serghei Usanov Ucraina Administrator de reea. Sunt n piaa Forex din vara anului 2011 Primul broker cu care mi-am nceput calea pe piaa valutar, a fost compania InstaForex M bucur foarte mult modul n care sunt tratat de angajaii companiei, de deplintatea rspunsurilor pe care le primesc la ntrebrile care mi apar n afar de aceasta, am fost plcut s uprins de modul instant n care sunt executate ordinele depunerea i retragerea mijloacelor bneti Compania InstaForex mai ofer i posibilitatea de a participa la webinare pe orice tem, care ne intereseaz Comunicarea i dezbaterea unor subiecte, mi permite s m dezvolt i s colaborez cu persoanele care la fel sunt interesate de tranzacionare, la fel cum sunt i eu nc un avantaj enorm posibilitatea de a participa la expoziii organizate pe diferite teme, care nu doar permit de a beneficia de informaii specializate primite de la prima surs, ci i de a ne dezvolta i instrui. Nina Chadova, Kazakhstan Trader. I have been working with InstaForex since 2012 This year I took an educational course I d like to note that the company s managers regard educational courses seriously and attentively they try to explain every aspect and organize individual lessons The company arranges regularly a lot of contests, there are benefits and bonuses I like to be with InstaForex Kazakhstan. Sergey Yatzrota, Ukraine Trade r. I ve started my cooperation with InstaForex recently I was interested in educational materials that InstaForex provides to all novice traders on the forex market Moreover, the company suggests good credit terms The exhibition ShowFx World enables new traders to extend their capabilities and also get to know the experience of long-term customers Such events prove the company s market leadership. Viktor Svizev, Trader. On I like the following It is possible to transfer funds from one deposit account to another at the same company without a commission There are numerous currency pairs and other trading instruments It is possible to open an account without a spread and swaps I was able to appreciate the convenience of the available services and opportunities I am going to deal definitely with InstaForex. Yury Kladukov, Trader. I was right to choose InstaForex when I came on the financial market as a trader I consider regular webinars as very helpful InstaForex personnel and technical support service are really friendly. Stanislav Plyuvachenko, Ucraina Antreprenor. Cu compania InstaForex sunt cunoscut deja de ase luni n acest timp relativ scurt, am reuit s apreciez diversele posibiliti pe care le ofer compania Un avantaj deosebit al companiei este flexibilitatea acesteia i diversitatea serviciilor implementate Saitul poate fi neles n mod intuitiv Un avantaj mare este executarea instant a ordinelor Ca un avantaj nu mai puin important, poate fi menionat transferul rapid al bonusurilor Compartimentul de deservire a clienilor mereu rspunde politicos i corect Compania are reprezentane confortabile, bine nzestrate tehnic Personalul care lucreaz n aceste oficii este foarte amabil i competent A mai dori s adaug prezena pe saitul companiei a datelor analitice mereu proaspete i organizarea webinarelor. Serghei Panus Ucraina, Antreprenor. Lucrez cu compania InstaForex din februarie, 2011 Am ales aceast companie pentru calitatea serviciilor prestate de ea, modul operativ de depunere i ret ragere a mijloacelor bneti Am fost uimit de levierul financiar de 1 1000, m-a bucurat faptul c se organizeaz diferite concursuri ncerc s fiu prezent la toate expoziiile unde particip InstaForex, pentru a putea discuta cu reprezentanii companiei pentru a afla despre inovaiile implementate i a primi consultaii n Kiev am asistat deja la trei expoziii. Ivan Prokopyev, trader. I ve started working with the company two months ago and I ve never regretted it There is all you need great service, quality analytical reviews, and a responsive team Besides, the company offers gainful bonuses, contests and campaigns to try your luck at I think that s great I ve never faced any difficulties with money withdrawal so far No problem at all I hope for our further fruitful cooperation. Adams Peters, Letonia Marketolog. Mi-am fcut o impresie foarte bun despre companie Numrul mare de instrumente de tranzacionare, lotul neobinuit n mrime de 10 000 USD, viteza mare de executare a tranzaciilor iat ce imi place mi e la compania InstaForex La aceasta se mai adaug analizele bune de pe sait, InstaTV, panglica de tiri RSS Toate aceste servicii i multe altele, oferite de compania InstaForex, economisesc timpul considerabil i permit organizarea lucrului cu o eficien sporit, lucruri ce nu pot fi ignorate n trading i bineneles asistena tehnic oferit de personalul companiei Am avut careva probleme de cteva ori - am sunat i mi-au raspuns domnioare foarte politicoase i competente, care m-au ajutat s rezolv toate dificultile Este bine cnd poi conta pe ajutor n orice timp al zilei. Yury Romanovich, Engineer. InstaForex has always been involved in teaching its clients There are always excellent webinars and reviews by InstaForex analysts on the website I am going to keep on cooperating with InstaForex. Aleksey, Trader. I d like to emphasize the great functionality of Client Cabinet, the smoothly running PAMM and ForexCopy systems, the best affiliate program, and 24-hour online support. Denis Nedashnovskiy, Ucraina Broker vamalpania InstaForex este alctuit din profesioniti adevrai din lumea Forexului Vreau s evideniez abordarea corect a laturii juridice i calitatea lucrului ndeplinit de colaboratori, care creaz condiii favorabile pentru activitatea traderilor Succes. Peter Gabas, from Nitra Trader. I like InstaForex cause its allowed leverage is up to 1 1000 Also, it s perfect that you don t need a big deposit for trading and the minimum is 1 USD It s great that you can have several accounts as well. Valery Trubitzyn, Trader. I got to know the company two years ago I really like InstaForex coaches because they tell simply about mistakes and share their own trading experience May all raise good profit. Alexanrd Misnk Ucraina Programator. Sunt mulumit ntru totul de serviciile prestate de comapania InstaForex Nu exist complicaii n funcionarea terminalului, toate operaiunile se execut instant att deschiderea, ct i nchiderea Lucrez cu compania InstaForex din iulie, 2012 Am trecut cursul special de instruir e, care, fr ndoial, m-a ajutat n lucrul pe piaa Forex Atunci cnd apar anumite greuti sau probleme, ntotdeauna primesc ajutor rapid i calificat de la serviciul clieni al companiei. Igor, trader. Hello I d like to thank the InstaForex Teacher team, particularly Tatiana, for the training they ve provided It was very helpful for me as a beginner at InstaForex I was looking for basic but comprehensive information about working with the platform Special thanks to Tatiana for explaining the material and being so attentive to beginners Thank you. Valeriy Maskaltsov, trader. I think InstaForex is a solid broker, the rest depends on you Everything is at a high level. Tulepberghenov Muhtar, Kazahstan Trader. Lucrez cu compania InstaForex din anul 2010 Sunt foarte mulumit, att de setul de instrumente de tranzacionare oferit, ct i de condiiile de tranzacionare mi place foarte mult politica de bunusuri a companiei n afar de aceasta, compania InstaForex organizeaz clienilor si diferite concursuri, att pe c onturile reale, ct i pe cele demo Aceste consursuri ofer posibilitatea de a ncepe activitatea de tranzacionare pe piaa Forex fr a fi nevoie de a depune capitalul iniial Serviciul de depunere i retragere a mijloacelor bneti funcioneaz impecabil Eu retrag banii prin intermediul cardului bancar InstaForex i nu am nimic de obiectat Urez conpaniei succes i s creasc i n continuare inei-o tot aa. EDWIN Malaezia, Web-Designer. Am nceput s tranzacionez pe Forex, nc din timpurile cnd eram student, dar nu imediat am descoperit compania InstaForex ns datorit acestui lucru, am avut posibilitatea de a compara i a aprecia activitatea brokerului meu Mai nti de toate, compania InstaForex ntr-adevr ofer cea mai larg gam de instrumente de tranzacionare, precum i servicii Compania ofer posibilitatea traderilor de a tranzaciona opiuni i futures, ceea ce ofer un mare avantaj. Sergey Gorbachev, Trader. I ve worked with InstaForex since 2013 The company leaves a very good impression Any time I have a problem, the company s team provides me with the most professional support I look on InstaForex as the best broker, because it offers excellent products and handy services on the financial market. Andrei Trofimov Ucraina, Antreprenor. S-a mplinit deja un an, de cnd colaborez cu compania InstaForex Activez pe piaa Forex din anul 1995 i experiana de lucru de aptesprezece ani mi permite s afirm c nivelul de profesionalizm al companiei corespunde ntru totul cu necesitile traderului din piaa Forex. Kristin Helms, Cehia Executor judectoresc. La alegerea brokerului, mai nti am analizat ndelung diferite companii InstaForex este un broker de ncredere, care mereu respect regulile de lucru i mereu ascult prerea clienilor si Compania ofer cel mai bun mod de abordare a traderilor i stabilete cu fiecare dintre ei relaii strnse mi place transparena maxim a acestui broker i determinarea de a rezolva orice gen de probleme ale clienilor si InstaForex asigur securitatea tehnic la nivelul standardelor bancare contul meu este bine aprat i tiu c nimeni nu va utiliza banii mei sau datele mele personale. Andars Lazo, Bulgaria Tehnolog. Ca i n orice afacere, n trading este necesar permanent s te dezvoli Dac dorii s obinei constant rezultate bune pe piaa Forex cutai modaliti de a primi noi cunotine i aptitudini InstaForex este compania, care investete bani n clienii si Ea desfoar cursuri de instruire i seminare, ofer traderilor o bibliotec vast cu informaii educative i lecii video Eu sunt un membru permanent al proiectelor de instruire organizate de InstaForex, comunic activ cu ali traderi pe forumul portalului. Rastislav Liscak, from Bratislava Trader. The best service is ForexCopy I haven t found a better opportunity to copy successful traders Affiliate program is also great. Steven Krejci, E A U Inginer. n viziunea mea, brokerul i cunoate bine activitatea i ceea ce trebuie de fcut Mie mi place deservirea Personal foarte atent i avizat, care este gata s ofere ajutorul oricnd, ziua sau noaptea n internet sau la telefon - vei fi mereu ascultat i vi se va explica tot ca s nelegei Mai poate fi menionat posiblitatea de a fi cotactat gratis la numrul propriu de telefon, i la timpul indicat, operatorul v va contacta i v va ajuta s nlturai orice problem Consider, c InstaForex ofer condiii de tranzacionare foarte bune Construcie bun a saitului Totul este uor i accesibil Din aceste motive eu prefer s lucrez cu InstaForex. Vasilii Luak Ucraina Trader. Lucrez cu compania InstaForex aproximativ de un an i jumtate n acest timp, petrecut cu compania InstaForex, am avut posibilitatea s apreciez avantajele utilizrii unui levier financiar mic i executarea rapid a tranzaciilor Le doresc tuturor succes n tranzacionare i mult sntate. Konstantin Geronimus, Ukraine Trader. I ve started trading on Forex with InstaForex recently But I ve already evaluated the quality and comfort of its services Instant execution, low spread and support of high quality are the main features I ve been trading for more than a year in total I prefer medium-term trading and the company s trading terms allow me to leave my positions open for a long time I really like 13 interest rate - every bit counts, isn t it Thank you. Jurijs Petrakovs, Trader. My work with InstaForex began in 2008 I appreciate that InstaForex keeps up-to-date to provide its traders with the best services such as mobile apps and transferring money between trading accounts The company has very good products and offers for web-designers InstaForex is indeed the only company providing quotes API, news, statistics on opened trades, and other services for free This is a very great advantage They always provide friendly assistance on any problem you have The company gives a bunch of opportunities for your professional growth as a trader, the rest depends only on you. Igor Belov, Trader. I have been aware of InstaForex for a year and half since I started listening to webinars by Sergey Belyayev It is nice that the conference took place in Yekaterinburg I was able to get to know in person the company s coaches and ask them any questions Besides, I am very pleased with interesting contests and great prizes I would like the company to turn its careful attention to the Ural region and hold such meetings on a regular basis. Andrey Bondarev, Trader. I ve been cooperating with InstaForex since 2013 I started trading on a real account, and it was successful I always get immediate assistance in case I have any questions about my account or trading platform There is a lot of useful information on the company s website. Samantha Reed, Irlanda Specialist al seciei de producere. Lucrez de mai bine de un an cu brokerul internaional InstaForex, i deocamdat, totul mi convine Nu am avut probleme cu cotaiile, cu depunerea banilor n cont, cu retragerea lor, cum se ntmpla n alta companie de brokeraj La depozitarea sumelor n cont, sunt transferate bonusuri Eu, spre exemplu, mereu aplic pentru bonusul de 30 fiind ntr-adevr convenabil i fr nelciune Alimentarea contului p oate fi fcut prin toate modalitile existente transfer bancar, prin internet, cu ajutorul crilor de credit, bani n numerar Este foarte convenabil, doar niciodat nu tii unde te vei pomeni la lucru i cnd va fi necesar de alimentat contul Totul este creat pentru comoditatea traderilor, pentru succesul i profitabilitatea lucrului lor Eu sunt foarte mulumit de acest broker. Corey Ward, Gibraltar Specialist n securitatea financiar. Colaborez cu InstaForex de aproape doi ani i vd cum se dezvolt i crete compania Apar mereu servicii noi i inovative, concursuri interesante Compania nu st pe loc, ea evolueaz, nltur neajunsurile, perfecionndu-se permanent Sunt binevenite bonusurile pentru alimentarea contului, care sunt acordate imediat Dup cum singur m specalizez n securitate, vreau s evideniez sigurana conturilor prin intermediul parolei-sms Cu acest serviciu, sunt sigur c nimeni, cu excepia mea, nu va retrage banii din cont Designul saitului i al cabinetului personal este fcut pentru a fi ct mai u or de utilizat i de neles Vreau s mai menionez, c InstaForex i trateaz fiecare client cu o atenie deosebit Colaboraorii companiei sunt mereu politicoi, sunt capabili mereu s ofere ajutor i pentru aceasta le mulumesc. Chen Yan, China Manager pe dezvoltarepania InstaForex, dup prerea mea, ntr-adevr este unul din cei mai buni brokeri ai Asiei mi place saitul, unde poate fi gsit tot ce propune brokerul detalii despre fiecare serviciu, informaii utile despre companie, care este activitatea ei Compartimentele programului de parteneriat i deservirii tehnice, forumurile, sunt evideniate n saituri separate De la prima vedere este vizibil care este mrimea volumului de lucru excecutat nseamn c personalul lucreaz, iar compania se dezvolt Pentru mine, saitul, care este bine pus la punct i este permanent rennoit este cea mai bun dovad a relaiilor companiei cu clienii si i calitatea serviciilor de brokeraj Majoritatea compartimentelor saitului InstaForex sunt modernizate permanent Exist chiar i cteva panglici RSS de tiri, ceea ce vorbete de la sine. Darico Baiarstanova, Kazakhstan Trader. I have been working with InstaForex for about a year I got to know about the company through the commercial in Econom newspaper I decided to visit introductory lecture and opened a trading account I liked coherent and collaborative work of the office I would like to point at speedy execution of orders and a very good customer support service, as well as perfect system of welcome bonuses and convenience at work with website To be honest, I have not worked seriously on Forex, but now after ShowfxWorld exhibition I am sure that work with InstaForex will be a top priority for me and it will help me to reach success and prosperity I would like the company would organize club days more often. Vasiliy Koval, Ucraina ofer. Cu InstaForex lucrez de mai bine de un an Cred c aceast companie, n prezent este una din companiile care se dezvolt cel mai rapid pe piaa serviciilor de brokeraj M impresioneaz nivelul nalt de deservire a clienilor, bonusurile i concursurile organizate InstaForex - un broker sigur cu servicii de calitate InstaForex, ine-o tot aa. MOHD NUR ORGAN Singapore, Trader. Lucrnd timp de jumtate de an cu InstaFoerx, pot spune c brokerul nu m-a dezamgit niciodat A dori s menionez despre politica bonusurilor oferite de companie Nu cunosc ali brokeri care s ofere bonusuri att de mari Tranzacionarea cu InstaForex este i mai plcut, datorit personalului sensibil i amabil, care ntotdeauna, ntr-un mod accesibil i lesne de neles, explic toate subtilitile fiecrui serviciu mi place faptul c pot vedea datele statistice despre tranzaciile executate Doresc s le mulumesc tuturor celor, care contribuie la succesul companiei i uureaz viaa traderilor. Oleg Osiptsev, Rusia Colaborator tiinific. Dup prerea mea, nu este de mirare c InstaForex ocup o poziie de frunte pe piaa prestrii serviciilor de brokeraj Nu am vzut la nici un broker bonusuri i promoii att de generoase Particip regulat n concursurile orga nizate de companie este o posibilitate excelent de a exersa, de a testa noi strategii i instrumente fr a risca nimic, la care se mai adaug posibilitatea de a primi o sum de bani n cont n cazul cnd vei ctiga i sftui pe toi s participe n proiectele-rebate ale comapniei, care permit de a recupera o parte din spread Tranzacionez cu acest broker deja de 3 ani deaoarece acest lucru imi convine i mi inspir ncredere. Bleuten Sagndk, azahstan Student i trader. Pentru mine, un avantaj foarte mare pe care l ofer compania InstaForex este informaia analitic profesional Spre deosebire de alte companii de brokeraj cunoscute, InstaForex nu ncearc s duc traderii n eroare Deservirea clienilor se face la cel mai nalt nivel Compartimentul de deservire tehnic ntotdeauna reacioneaz promt Brokerul InstaForex organizeaz multe promoii i concursuri, att pentru traderii nceptori, ct i pentru cei experimentai InstaForex, n opinia mea, este cea mai strlucit companie din piaa Forex, lucru ce se datoreaz politicii fle xibile i calitii serviciilor prestate. Andrei Diadin Ucraina, Antreprenor. Tranzacionez cu InstaForex deja de un an i jumtate Brokerul m-a uimit cu viteza de executare a ordinelor, i anume lipsa reqoute-urilor Bineneles, sunt prezente unele mici ntrzieri, dar numai n condiii de volatilitate sporit Depunerea i retragerea mijloacelor bneti se face n timp scurt, iar celelate probleme se rezolv ntr-un timp la fel de scurt A vrea s mai menionez despre instruirea oferit de compania InstaForex Am nvat multe lucruri noi de la mentorul meu Vitamir, care este i partener al companiei Cursurile sale bine puse la punct, m-au iniiat n secretele tradingului, iar compania InstaForex - mi-a permis s aplic cu succes n practic, cunotinele obinute mi place foarte mult s particip la promoiile organizate de companie M bucur faptul c aceste promoii se desfoar ntr-un mod impecabil i servesc drept exemplu de onestitate n organizarea concursurilor. Nikolai Naiduk, Ukraine Trader. InstaForex is my choice Why Firstly , it s fixed spread, secondly, quick order execution Thirdly, great selection of trading instruments And finally, great reward system raffles, contests, and promo campaigns you always willing to partake in. Sergey Shchebletov, trader. I ve joined InstaForex relatively recently But for this few months, I ve learnt a lot, I ve attended many webinars Besides, I got to know how to predict future price movements and analyze the current situation in the market Now I recommend InstaForex to all my friends Thank you, InstaForex. Yvonne Chiu, Taiwan Administrator de hotel. Impresiile colaborrii cu compania InstaForex sunt doar pozitive Deservirea impecabil i securitatea capitalului, sunt ofertele avantajoase, executarea imediat a ordinelor dup aceste caliti dar i altele, nu vd alte companii care s poat concura cu compania InstaForex Recent am ncercat s lucrez n sistemul conturilor PAMM Am gsit cu uurin un trader mai experimentat cu o profitabilitate ridicat i am investit mijloace bneti n contul ace stuia Banii investii au adus un profit substanial Sistemul conturilor PAMM al comaniei se deosebete prin comoditate i eficien Sper c mpreun cu acest broker s ajung pn la nivelul de trader gestionator. MOHABI Singapore, Trader. Lucrez cu compania InstaForex de un an i pot spune doar lucruri bune despre acest broker ce inspir ncredere Cel mai mult apreciez fapul c posednd engleza destul de prost, totui imi este usor s comunic cu colaboratorii compartimentului de deservire a clienilor, care sunt foarte amabili i respectuoi InstaForex este o companie transparent, care ofer informaii despre sine tuturor celor interesai este suficient de a vizita saitul oficial Deasemenea pe sait sunt plasate multe materiale educative, lecii video despre utilizarea terminalului Eu sunt o persoan temerar, din care cauz imi plac consursurile organizae de compania InstaForex, n care pot fi ctigate premii bneti. Mazbaev Medet, azahstan Trader. Tranzacionez pe piaa Forex de aproximativ doi ani mi place s lucrez i s f iu independent, de aceea am ales InstaForex nainte de a lucra cu InstaForex, am schimbat civa brokeri Deja de ceva timp lucrez cu compania InstaForex i ctig bine Ceea ce mi place la brokerul InstaForex sunt condiiile de tranzacionare, procesul simplu de depunere i retragere a mijloacelor n cont, dar i posibilitatea de a primi bonusuri generoase Lucrai cu InstaForex i facei bani Tuturor succes i fie ca trendul s fie de partea voastr. Kaisa Pesonen, Finlanda Consultant financiar. n anul 2009 am deschis un cont la compania InstaForex i sunt mulumit de acest lucru pn astzi mi apreciez brokerul pentru spreadurile moderate, condiiile de tranzacionare convenabile, executarea rapida a tranzaciilor i rspunsul imediat la orice ntrebare Consider c n prezent, compania InstaForex este cea mai bun, la toate capitolele Acest broker sun gata s-l recomand att nceptorilor, care fac primii pai n piaa Forex, ct i traderilor experimentai, care vor putea s descopere noi oportuniti colabornd cu InstaForex. Naur is Vasjurins, Letonia Trader. M numesc Nauris Vasiurins Am aflat despre compania InstaForex de la prieteni n special mi plac spreadurile reduse, posibilitatea deschiderii conturilor swap-free i serviciul Forex Copy. Aleksandr Shavkal, Ukraine Trader. My name s Aleksandr Shavkal I ve been dealing with Forex trading for almost 6 years I got to know InstaForex 2 years ago Until then, I had not been able to find such a broker that would meet my requirements Personally I was tempted by low InstaForex spreads, the lack of slippage and swaps, the minimal requote as well as the easy-to-understand and user-friendly website The ShowFx exhibition revealed what sociable and helpful personnel work for InstaForex A special thanks for bonuses and discounts. Vladimir Vasilenko, Ucraina Antreprenor. Lucrez i voi lucra doar cu compania InstaForex mi convine totul Mai nti de toate, sunt impresionat de modul respectus n care compania trateaz clienii, acest lucru se simte peste tot de la numrul mare de opiuni d in cabinetul personal, pn la deservirea tehnic ce este disponibil 24 din 24 de ore mi place c pot retrage banii din cont aproape instantaneu, prin intermediul serviciului WebMoney, iar pentru aceasta le spun un mare mulumesc colaboratorilor InstaForex Nu ncetez s m bucur de viteza de executare a tranzaciilor, pentru c uneori totul se decide n cteva secunde Recent m-am nregistrat n calitate de PAMM-trader i PAMM-partener-totul mi convine Condiii foarte avantajoase, remunerare nalt, gam larg de banere i panouri informative Sunt convins c i n viitor, compania InstaForex i va surprinde plcut clienii Doresc doar s urez succes companiei InstaForex. Roman Novotny, from Bratislava Trader. What I like the most is partnership program I also think that several withdrawal and deposit options is a big advantage for traders. Sergey Krupenko, Ucraina Antreprenor. A dori s-mi mprtesc prerea despre compania InstaForex n decursul ctorva ani de tranzacionare pe piaa valutar, am schimat aproximativ 10 brokeri diferii Unii dintre ei se deosebea prin condiiile avantajoase de tranzacionare, alii, prin viteza de ndeplinire a obligaiunilor sale, dar nici unul din ei nu ntrunea toate aceste caliti pentru a putea oferi o tranzacionare complet i sigur Aceasta sa ntmplat, pn cnd am descoperit compania InstaForex Mult timp am cutat neajunsurile pe care, de regul le ascunde orice centru de dealing Spre marea mea mirare, nu am gsit nici un cusur Condiiile de tranzacionare, operativitatea serviciului de asisten tehnic, bonusuri, privilegii, dar cel mai important - ncrederea unui numr mare de traderi pe durata multor ani fac din acest broker 1 Mi-am ncheiat cutrile, acum eu sunt cu InstaForex. Alexander Reichel, Germania Web-Designer. Am aflat recent despre compania InstaForex, am auzit despre aceasta de la un cunoscut Recomandrile au fost foarte bune, la fel ca i informaia pe care am putut s-o gsesc despre acest broker Iat de ce, abia recent am nceput sp tranzacionez cu InstaForex Am impresia c acest bro ker ofer cele mai bune condiii pentru nceptori n particular, m refer la conturile micro i lotul de 100 USD, care permit de a minimiza riscurile Pe sait pot fi gsite sfaturi diverse n ajutorul traderilor nceptori, sunt filmulee educative Deoarece nc nv a tranzaciona, acestea imi sunt de un real folos Se poate de tranzacionat pe contul demo i de exersat deprinderile de tranzacionare fr nici un risc mi plac concursurile conturilor demo sunt foarte interesante Sper c colaborarea noastr va da rezultate bune. Ruslan Tarasenko, Ucraina Consultant n sisteme geoinformaionalepania InstaForex ne surprinde plcut cu deciziile non conformiste Abordarea fiecrui client n parte, capacitatea de a rezolva rapid problemele clienilor, crearea i dezvoltarea rapid de noi servicii fr ndoial plaseaz compania printre leaderii pieei Forex Astzi InstaForex depete n multe privine pe alte companii de brokeraj, prestatoare de servicii de intermediere a traderilor Compania este orientat spre piaa rilor C S I lucru car e imi este pe plac i-mi permite s numesc InstaForex o companie deosebit Posibil, cele spuse de mine sunt sub influena emoiilor, dar acest lucru doar subliniaz c InstaForex nu te poate lsa indiferent. Omar Aizzat Singapore, Trader. Lucrez cu InstaForex de mai bine de un an i consider c acest broker este ceea ce am nevoie Avantajele sunt oferite nu doar de numrul mare de concursuri interesante, ci i spreadul redus i levierul financiar de 1 1000, care permit de a lucra cu un capital iniial modest Compania permanent ne uimete cu servicii noi, iar unele din ele crendu-le special pentru pentru clienii si Neschimbat rmne deservirea la cel mai nalt nivel tiu sigur, c indiferent de problema pe care o pot avea, voi fi ascultat cu atenie i voi fi ajutat s-o rezolv Este foarte plcut s fii client al companiei InstaForex. Vladimir Pershin, Kazakhstan Trader. I have worked for several companies, but I chose InstaForex I appreciate actual information, perfectly working feedback and customer support servic e the company provides possibility to work with options The educational process is perfectly arranged The most important fact is that the company arranges various contests, where anyone may win money, which will be deposited to the trading account The only minus is sometimes quotes are not presented timely. Forex Charts. Mobile version.


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